Other Explorers

Europeans quickly explored the New World after Columbus--particularly the Spanish.  Among these were Balboa, who explored Panamá, discovering the Pacific Ocean in 1500.  Ponce de León explored Florida in 1513, looking for the Fuente de Juventud -- Fountain of Youth.  (He died in Florida in 1521.)  Solís was killed by Indians in Argentina in 1515.  The Portuguese explored all along coasts of Brazil and North America.  One interesting character was Amérigo de Vespucci, an Italian who was with Colón on some of his voyages.  Vespucci claimed to have discovered many amazing places.  *A German map maker heard of his supposed exploits and put Vespucci’s first name, Amérigo, on the map to honor him.  The name remained in people’s memory, and that’s how America got its name.  America (and ‘Americans’) in Latin-American thought includes ALL the Americas--North and South.